Cour Four Partnership Logo


The Core Four is a partnership between the City of San Marcos, Hays County, San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District and Texas State University. This partnership was formalized through a city ordinance that Council approved on February 18, 2020.  This ordinance created the provision for Youth Services which allows for Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas to hire a Youth Services Director.  Through this The San Marcos Commission on Children and Youth (SMCCY) and the San Marcos Youth Commission formally transitioned to the following groups below:

  1. The Core Four Policy Group

  2. The Core Four Task Force

  3. The Youth Task Force


The Youth Services Director, will be leading, implementing and working with the aforementioned entities to implement the vision and goals of the 2013 Youth Master Plan. 


Youth Services conducted Community Needs Assessment in Fall 2023 with the support of Texas Youth Action Network and members of the Youth Coalition working group. Results of this assessment will provide the Core Four Partnership with data on youth mental health, sense of belonging, and college & career needs in Hays County. Results from the Youth Survey can found below.

Contact Us

If you would like more information or have questions please email us at

To learn more about supporting the Core Four Partnership on an Ad-hoc basis submit your inquiry. 


Youth Services Satisfaction Survey

Please take a moment to complete the Youth Services Satisfaction Survey.


Youth Services Community Partnership Request

If you are interested in collaborating or partnering with Youth Services please complete this form



Please submit your questions, comments or provide feedback about our website.