
Head Start creates a physical environment and maintains facilities that support the highest-quality services to children and families Facilities, materials and equipment are chosen and maintained to create a learning environment that is safe, accessible, welcoming, comfortable, age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, and in keeping with the individual needs of children and families and the particular features of local programs and communities.
To Provide for the maintenance, repair, safety and security of the facilities, materials and equipment owned by Head Start, the following must be done:
- Adhere to safety standards, city & state inspections
- Follow checklist of playground center and classroom procedures
We assist Early Head Start and Head Start clients with the following transportation needs:
- Attend Head Start Meetings
- Medical and Dental Appointments
- Access to various social services
- Deliver children with disabilities to home/center
LaBreca Fennell
Facilities & Maintenance Coordinator
(512) 396-3395 Ext. 225